
Couple Speechless at Neighbor’s Note About What They See Through Window

A mysterious note posted in a neighborhood in Southwest Virginia has left the internet in stitches.

Shared on the popular r/funny subreddit on social media site Reddit, the note left by someone identifying themselves only as “DJ Dizzy Rock” has captured the attention of thousands.

The note, addressed to “Dear Neighbor,” expressed concern over “inappropriate dancing and gyrating” witnessed by their teenage sons through the couple’s windows. The author, claiming to be striving to raise “good, upstanding Christian men,” even said: “I ask that you and your lady friend please put up some window treatments and or put some clothes on to resolve this issue.”

“It looks like a prank but no friends or family have admitted to it,” the poster on Reddit told Newsweek, explaining that it was left on the front door of a friend’s house.

Note for neighbor
A picture of the mystery note left on the couple’s door in full.


He explained: “The couple did say it was entirely possible that someone could see through their windows if they really wanted to and they admitted to dancing topless in their house.”

After being shown the hilarious note himself, he asked their permission to share it online. “I knew it would be Reddit gold,” he said.

As predicted, Reddit users did love the note, filling the comments with their theories and thoughts on the unusual note.

“Had me till DJ Dizzy Rock,” said Scuta44. While dm3588 said: “I refuse to believe that someone named DJ Dizzy Rock is honestly worried and upset about ‘sins of the flesh.'”

“We have since all loved reading the comments. The variety of responses is fascinating from outright rejecting it as totally fake to genuine concern and discourse over the legality of the actions of both the couple and the peeping tom,” said the Redditor who posted the note.

After some thought, the poster and his friends who received the note did have a theory about its origin too. “I think it is likely that a neighbor did see them and wrote this note somewhat in jest but also as a legitimate warning to close their blinds,” he said.

This isn’t the first time a neighbor’s note has prompted viral responses online. Like when one California resident was stunned to find the impact her snores managed to have on the people living nearby.

While another woman was prompted to put up blinds in her home after getting a mortifying note from the local school that could see into her bathroom.