
Goldendoodle Has Sassiest Reaction Whenever He Sees Himself in the Mirror

While studies have found that dogs can see themselves in mirrors, it is believed they are not aware the reflection is them staring back. However, one dog would beg to differ with the science.

A dog owner known on TikTok as @doodle_koda decided to film and share the precious way her dog looks at himself in the mirror. She told Newsweek that her mini goldendoodle looks at himself in the mirror very often and sometimes, he’ll do a little more than gaze upon his cuteness.

Her January 28 TikTok video quickly went viral, reaching 4.4 million views, 611,500 likes, and 828 comments as of Thursday. It wasn’t just the fact this small dog was looking in the mirror that melted people’s hearts. It was his sassy reaction.

He danced all over the bed in excitement at his reflection. Or maybe the dancing was cured after hearing from the mirror that he was the fairest one of them all.

Goldendoodle looking in mirror
Screenshots from a viral TikTok video of a mini goldendoodle looking in the mirror. The dog started dancing when he saw himself.


The little dog would not sit still. He kept wiggling his back legs. His tail even shot up as he couldn’t get enough of himself. The confidence is inspiring.

TikTok users don’t blame the dog for this big of a reaction because, well, he is downright adorable.

One person wrote: “He’s cute and he knows it.”

“He’s doing the salsa dance in bed,” pointed out another.

Although it truly seems like this mini goldendoodle was checking himself out, a Scientific American article reported that dogs do not use mirrors in the same way humans do. There are a few different uses dogs have with mirrors.

The first time a dog spots their reflection will lead them to believe another dog is staring at them. The same goes for other animals when looking in a mirror. But as the dog starts noticing no amount of postures or barking will spark play from the image, they tend to move on from the mirror. This is known as habituation, which can be a good thing as dogs learn not to respond to arousing stimuli.

Dogs can also use mirrors or reflections as a tool. Studies have found that some dogs understand reflections by finding their owners or locating food. However, mirrors are not a dog’s best tool. That would be their nose.

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