
Owner Reveals Reason She Has to Watch Her Dog’s Heart Break ‘Every Morning’

The moment two-year-old Newfoundland dog Chewy had a heart-wrenching reaction as his beloved owner Aaliya headed off to school is melting hearts.

Amy Savino, Aaliya’s mother, shared a video of Chewy’s unmistakable sadness as his young companion headed off for the day.

Savino shared the video on Reddit where she added the caption: “I have to watch my dog’s heart break every morning.”

“Chewy loves his family and kids. He is heartbroken anytime someone leaves, especially one of the kids,” Savino told Newsweek. “He makes the cutest sad face; it’s so adorable, but I feel bad for him.”

Chewy the dog
Screenshots from the video of Chewy who was heartbroken to see his young owner heading off for the day.


According to a survey by Wag!, 41 percent of pet owners returning to the office after remote working expected to miss their dogs more than their kids or spouse. But do our dogs miss us too?

Various studies and research by dog behavior experts have shown that dogs can start missing their owners from the moment they part ways and display signs of missing their owners more the longer they are left alone.

Signs your dog might have missed you include excitement to see you, seeking you out and asking for attention and fuss.

Large Newfoundland dogs like Chewy are known for their delightful nature—good with children, other dogs and affectionate, they’re popular family pets. The breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1886 and today is the 42nd most popular breed in the U.S.

Chewy’s endearing reaction to his owner heading off for the day has gained widespread attention online, with the Reddit post amassing over 5,000 upvotes and numerous heartwarming comments.

Chewy and Aaliya
Pictures of Chewy the Newfoundland and Aaliya who are the best of friends.


Reddit user Witchynightstar expressed amusement and said: “OMG this is too funny and too cute. He loves his kid,” while Entire_Bat7884 added: “Now that’s love.”

“I love sharing videos of Chewy on the internet because he’s such an amazing dog and highly entertaining,” Savino said. “He has his own TikTok and YouTube as well.”

Redditor Appropriate-Copy-949 shared a nostalgic anecdote from their own childhood: “I remember being a kid and someone’s dog followed them onto the school bus. It was so joyous for us kids and the dog. We all were so sad when he was made to get off the bus. Dogs are just so special in the way they love.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.